HK Express – Post Campaign


Key visual for media buy

Social Media Execution

【Kumamoto Coming Soon】

​睽違已久,熊本再次回到大家眼前!受 HK Express 紅線牽引,主角同熊本嘅距離一步步拉近。期間更誤打誤撞遇上熊本幸福部長 – 熊本熊 ,走過一個又一個景點, 感受一趟「緣」滿嘅旅程!​​
想知道呢一段熊本旅程嘅內容?咁就要留意 HK Express 專頁喇~期待到時同您見面!​​

It has been a long time since last trip to Kumamoto. HK Express has taken this opportunity to bring the main cast to Kumamoto. During the trip, we bumped into Kumamon, the Happiness Manager of Kumamoto Prefecture and started the romantic encounters through a range of attractions.​​
Want to know more about this adventure? Stay tuned to our official Facebook page to learn more! Looking forward to unfold the journey with you!


【Spoiler Alert! 🚨 Unveiling Kumamoto Attractions】
​踏入2022年,《熊本縣.不遠》同大家距離將會愈嚟愈近。開始故事之前,即刻點擊圖片, 一探當中主要內容!​
.​.​.​最後當然要揭曉主角嘅身份…就係您啦 !咁多個景點,您最鍾意邊一個呢?不如留言話畀我哋知啦~​
下次有機會, 記得乘搭 HK Express 全港唯一嘅熊本直航航班,嚟熊本一齊續寫故事!期望同您喺機上再見~​

“Kumamoto Coming Soon” will be with us shortly. Before we get to the story, click onto the photos and take a peek at each setting.​
If you are wondering who is going to be the main cast… It’s YOU! Don’t forget to leave us a comment of your favourite setting (aka “attraction”)!​
HK Express exclusively offers direct flights between Hong Kong and Kumamoto. Next time, fly with us to Kumamoto for the continuation of this story. Hope to see you on our flight.


人氣場景一 – 阿蘇米塚:


#1 Popular Attraction – Komezuka at Aso:

Is that a misattribution of arousal? Feel like falling in love with your travel partner?

Campaign Objective

  • Build a connection with Hong Kong tourist​ during Covid-19
  • Remind audience to visit Kumamoto via HK Express after Covid-19


  • Use “Pseudo Movies” introduction as the main theme
    1. During Covid-19, Movie has become a mainstream entertainment​
    2. Arouse curiosity through a series of pseudo-movie introduction​
  • Apply 不日上映 / Coming Soon as the tagline
    1. Common terminology on movie poster
    2. Look forward to travelling after COVID-19

My Role

  • Create pitching idea and strategy
  • Pitch the client
  • Plan the tour schedule
  • Social media copywriting
  • Brief the idea to designer