Watsons Water – Post Campaign








夏日小發明自從冇乜咁威水研究所開張之後,一直有好多人留低佢哋嘅小發明!所長 東尼電機 最近就將其中一個得意小發明加以改良,研究出呢個「湧泡機」喇!將凍飲放入湧泡機,佢就會收集外圍嘅水珠,之後自動同番梘溝埋一齊,就可以製成泡泡水,畀你任意吹泡泡!

恭喜晒今次嘅環保發明家Leon Lee!憑住咁優秀嘅idea,你將會得到屈臣氏蒸餾水露營套裝!記得要喺8月2日前inbox我哋,講低你嘅電話同獎品換領信郵寄地址喇~



Campaign Objective

In order to build a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) brand image, Watsons Water published the rPET package and wanted to raise community environmental awareness in 2019.

Campaign Concept

  • Raise community environmental awareness through interactive content
  • Invite audiences pay efforts in waste reduction through their creativity
  • Drive conversion to the Watsons Water CRM system

Campaign Execution

  • Publish a Facebook wall game to collect environmental-friendly ideas every early month
  • Invite 東尼電機 the execution the best idea and send incentive to the audience

My Role

  • Come up with the idea and concept
  • Suggest the illustrator and monthly theme
  • Social media copywriting